IUP ( Invisible Unicode Programming )
Innovative Technology
Can Be Customised
Data Security

Ushering in a New Era of Data Security... Introducing Invisible Internal Data Security (IIDS), transforming data at its core with INVIdata—like a DNA evolution. Beyond traditional external security layers such as passwords, firewalls, antivirus, and encryption.

INVIdata technology, based on Invisible Internal Data Security (IIDS), is the world's first solution engineered to create a hacker-free, ransomware-resistant environment within the Windows operating system. This is accomplished by integrating INVIos, a proprietary non-bootable addon operating system, which establishes a Virtual Invisible Partition (VIP) over the existing OS. INVIos secures user data within this VIP using its advanced proprietary file system, INVIfilesys. This innovative architecture ensures that data remains both invisible and impervious to ransomware and other malicious attacks, effectively isolating it from unauthorized software access or compromise. Users interact with INVIos through INVImanager, a dedicated interface that offers seamless data protection and management, delivering an unparalleled and comprehensive security solution.